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Will the event be livestreamed?Not on our website, but we hope to announce on Facebook if an offsite stream will be provided.
Will there be restrooms onsite?Yes, we have rented several portable restrooms.
Is this event eccumenical?No, please view our Mission Statement for details.
If I donate, where does the money go?"The money goes to provide security, stage and prop rentals, audio and video production, print and promotional advertisement, restrooms, photographer, shuttles and ensuring that the event continues on to the next city and state.
What do I need to bring?Bible, water, lawn chair and weather related items (sunglasses, sunscreen, etc).
Will there be security onsite?Yes, we utilize local law enforcement and provide additional paid security as well.
What are the parking accomodations?We will be providing a map when city officials sign-off on the details. Please frequent our homepage & download section or social media outlets for updates.
Who will be speaking?We will provide the details once full speaker and preacher list is confirmed. Please frequent our homepage & download section or social media outlets for updates.
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